Fri, 17 Jan
Lgbtiq Youth Group
The Youth Group is a community drop-in service for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies between the ages of 13 - 18.
Time & Location
17 Jan 2020, 17:00 – 19:00 GMT+1
AGENZIJA ZGHAZAGH, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Santa Venera, Malta
About the event
The Youth Group is a community drop-in service for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies between the ages of 13 - 18.
This space is open between 17:00 and 19:00 every first and third week of the month, offering an educational, safe and confidential space for young individuals. The primary aim of this group is to provide young people with access to; - support groups - games, discussions and other educational activities - connections to any resources you might need - a fun and interactive environment - a platform to make new friends
The LGBTQ+ Youth Group is staffed by a professional team of LGBTQ+ and ally community members.
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Il-Grupp taż-Żgħażagħ huwa servizz għall-komunità fejn persuni LGBTQ+ li għandhom bejn 13 u 18-il sena jistgħu jattendu.
L-ispazju jkun miftuħ bejn 17:00 u 19:00 kull l-ewwel u t-tielet ġimgħa tax-xahar u joffri spazju sigur u kunfidenzjali lil individwi żgħażagħ. L-għan ewlieni ta’ dan il-grupp huwa li jipprovdi liż-żgħażagħ aċċess għal: • Gruppi ta’ sapport • Logħob, diskussjonijiet u attivitajiet edukattivi oħrajn • Xi riżorsi li jista’ jkollok bżonn • Ambjent fejn tieħu gost u tikkomunika ma’ ħaddieħor • Pjattaforma biex tagħmel ħbieb ġodda
Il-grupp taż-żgħażagħ LGBTQ+ huwa mmexxi minn tim professjonali LGBTQ+ u allies li jagħmlu parti mill-komunità.