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Condoms do's and don'ts

Like anything condoms should be used but not abused, when used properly condoms offer good protection against many SAIs. These are some condoms do's and dont's that we compiled for you, take a look you as might be unaware of something that might be doing wrong.


Put the condom on before starting intercourse, Unbelievably surveys show that up to 51% of respondents put the condom on half way through intercourse.

Remove any air trapped at the tip of the condom and leave some space for sperm, failing to do so may break the condom.

Use appropriate condom (size and type). Not too small nor too large, if you are engaging in anal sex ideally use extra safe condoms.

Flavoured condoms are designed for oral sex, Although it's safer than anal sex, one can still acquire SAIs through oral sex.

Make sure that the condom is not worn inside out, if you realise you put it on inside out, take it off, throw it away and replace it as it might have been contaminated with precum.

Carry spare condoms.

Put Condom on your penis tip and glide it down, gently unrolling it on your penis shaft, Do NOT pull, or stretch the condom.

Use water based sex Lubricants (LUBE), other LUBEs weaken condoms making them more likely to break.

Make sure that the condom is of good quality (a CE mark or BSI mark are good indications).

If you had a condom break and believe that you have put yourself at risk, head immediately to the Hospital Emergency and ask for PEP* (Post Exposure Prophylaxis) treatment. There is no shame in being sexually active or asking for help.

*Currently there is a charge for this treatment


DO NOT use Expired condoms, (Yes, condoms have an Expiry Date, it should be printed on each packet (and it is there for a reason)

DO NOT Put the condom on half way through intercourse (it can be too late).

DO NOT unroll or stretch the condom, prior to putting it on.

DO NOT tear open condom packet with sharp objects/handle condom with nails, this could damage the condom.

DO NOT Re-use the condom... It's not re-useable nor recyclable, there are other ways to save the planet.

DO NOT put in Wallets &/or Glove Compartments, they are not suitable to store condoms in.​ Wallets get beaten and the Glove Compartment gets too hot especially in the Maltese climate.

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Registered Voluntary Organisation Number: 1136


19, Triq San Mark, Valletta

VLT1362. Malta



+356 9927 2999

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