GU Clinic in Gozo
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GU Clinic in Gozo

L-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex fetaħ uffiċjalment l-ewwel klinika f’Għawdex għall-persuni li jkunu jeħtieġu jagħmlu testijiet marbuta ma’ mard tarsmess sesswalmenti.

Fit-tnedija tal-klinika tkellem ukoll il-Koordinatur ta’ LGBTI+ Gozo, Eman Borg, li laqa’ dan is-servizz. Qal li l-inizjattiva ta’ Steward Health Care Malta qed tagħti prijorità lis-saħħa sesswali tal-Għawdxin. Borg appella lill-Għawdxin kollha biex jużaw dan is-servizz il-ġdid li qed joffri l-Isptar Ġenerali ta’ Għawdex ħalli jkollna soċjetà aktar f’saħħitha. jew 2344 6000

Steward Health Care Malta has launched Gozo’s first genitourinary (GU) clinic operating Friday afternoons on a fortnightly basis, offering several services to prevent and test sexually transmitted diseases and infections.

Coordinator of LGBTI+ Gozo Eman Borg welcomed the introduction of the service. He said that the initiative taken by Steward Health Care Malta was one that prioritises sexual health amongst all Gozitans. Borg appealed to all Gozitans to use the new service provided at the Gozo General Hospital for the benefit of a healthier society.

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