From the article of Massimo Congiu
The Hungarian government of Viktor Orbán continues to be the protagonist of initiatives that damage specific civil rights. The last in a chronological sense is the law which aims to counter the encouragement of homosexuality especially among young people. A law recently approved by the Hungarian parliament hegemonized by the government party Fidesz, according to Amnesty International and several other organizations operating on the civil rights front, as to constitute a serious blow to the LGBTQ community. But that is not all, Orban decided to hold a referendum about this controversial law with the final aim to legitimaze his actions in front of European Union.
This provision prohibits, among other things, addressing the subject of homosexuality in schools where, moreover, social issues and any cognitive effort that are outside the ministerial educational programs are preferably avoided because, according to a certain dominant logic, children must not be distracted from studying. It also prohibits the use by minors of contents relating to the homosexuality theme as young people, under a certain age, "can misunderstand and suffer psychological disruptions that would put their gender identity at risk."
For the Hungarian government any text or content that deals with this topic in a permissive way is a danger for minors and for their psychological and moral integrity, and therefore must be banned. The same goes for films and theatrical performances which, in the executive's opinion, encourage "wrong" tendencies. The law also provides heavy penalties for anyone who is responsible for acts of pedophilia, thus establishing a sort of hateful cohabitation between two aspects, homosexuality and the aforementioned pedophilia, which are certainly not synonymous with each other.
Those who know the "strong man of Hungary" and his government are not surprised about this situation; cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism and openness towards those with “different” sexual propensities are (in his opinion) misleading aspects and harbingers of non-values. Aspects only capable of creating chaos and confusion are not accepted in a world, according to the rhetoric of the regime, that needs certainties with which to make a clear distinction between things. Black is not white, white is not black; nothing different. In Orbán's Hungary, life and the world are reduced to this, to distinct and pre-packaged categories; those who dismiss this mentality should be pointed out to the suspect public because evidently they are not acting for the wellness of the country. Orbán has always boasted the merit of having undermined the propaganda codes of liberalism which he saw as a "political outdated trand", characterized by the hypocrisy of the politically correct and by an approach aimed at deceiving the masses.
Thus the Budapest government is not afraid to brand homosexuality as a trend to be discouraged also because, he points out, beyond the ethical aspects, the country with its demographic situation that is not flourishing, cannot afford sexual behaviors that are not functional to procreation. Thus, the executive has discouraged gender studies that have homosexuality as a theme. It should be added that it shows hostility towards all those conceptions that do not respect the maintenance of the roles that men and women traditionally have in society and It must be said that even in Hungary the situation of the female sex needs improvement. But the Orbán government does not intend to ratify the Istanbul Convention because, in his opinion, It promotes gender views against the values that He declared.
In summary, the government actions invite families to have children for the homeland, reject the idea of the repopulation of the country by immigrants from other cultures and with Orbán logic, end up attributing an anti-patriotic value to homosexuality.
Obviously there is an Hungary that harshly criticizes the law recently adopted by Parliament and gives rise to street demonstrations and a mobilization on the net. Budapest Pride has launched a petition against this law that It defines as homophobic. On social medias there are a lot of people that use irony about this law as, for example, those who wrote that they no longer want to see documentaries with a naturalistic background for fear of turning into a tuna.
Jokes aside, there is a civil society that is mobilizing despite some difficulty and there is an opposition that waits the government, on the strength of an agreement reached in view of the elections scheduled for next year and promises, in case of victory, to cancel the unfair laws approved by Orbán. A victory that will be difficult to get, even if with this agreement (a bit particular because It brings together center-left, liberal and Jobbik parties ) the opposition has one more argument. The opposition supporters hope and want a change but it requires a considerable commitment and a concrete project. In eleven years of Orbán management, too many bad things have happened that presuppose lasting damage also in the mind of Hungarian people.
References: MicroMega, "Ungheria, la crociata anti Lgbtq del governo Orbán", Massimo Congiu.
Pictures: Getty Images, IlManifesto.