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Mon, 25 May



Safe and Seen is a project consisting of a series of educational tools on LGBTIQ topics created for educators. Due to the current circumstances, it is being launched live online on our Facebook page. This toolkit includes a structured workshop, a trivia board game, and two explanatory videos.

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Time & Location

25 May 2020, 18:00 – 20:00

About the event

Safe and Seen is a project consisting of a series of educational tools on LGBTIQ topics created for educators. Due to the current circumstances, it is being launched live online on our Facebook page. This toolkit includes a structured workshop, a trivia board game, and two explanatory videos.

The aim of this project is to provide a service to the country’s educators, to ensure that they are better informed about how to incorporate LGBTIQ issues in the curriculum. By supporting all those working in education, we can tackle misinformation, try and combat ignorance, support greater understanding of the community as a whole, promote a safe and inclusive school environment as well as provide direct support for those struggling to deal with LGBTIQ issues or LGBTIQ individuals in the class room.

This project has been funded through the Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme managed by the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector on behalf of Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations within the Ministry for Education and Employment.


Il-proġett 'Safe and Seen' huwa serje ta' għodda edukattivi fuq suġġetti LGBTIQ li nħoloq għall-edukaturi. Minħabba s-sitwazzjoni kurrenti, il-proġett se jitniehda u jiġi mxandar dirett fuq il-paġna tal-Facebook tagħna. Dan it-toolkit jikkonsisti minn workshop strutturat, logħba tat-tagħrif u żewġ filmati

L-għan ta' dan il-proġett huwa li nipprovdu servizz lill-edukaturi tal-pajjiż, biex nassiguraw li jkunu nfurmati aħjar dwar kif jistgħu jinkludu kwistjonijiet marbutin mal-LGBTIQ fil-kurrikulu. Billi nappoġġaw lil dawk li jaħdmu fl-edukazzjoni, inkunu nistgħu nindirizzaw il-problema tal-informazzjoni żbaljata, nikkumbattu l-injoranza u ngħinu biex in-nies jifhmu iktar il-komunità sħiħa,  nippromwovu ambjent skolastiku sigur u inklussiv kif ukoll nipprovdu appoġġ dirett lil dawk li qegħdin jitħabtu ma’ kwistjonijiet LGBTIQ jew studenti LGBTIQ fil-klassi tagħhom.

Dan il-proġett ġie ffinanzjat permezz taI-Voluntary Organisations Project Scheme amministrat mill-Kunsill Malti għas-Settur tal-Volontarjat f’isem il-Ministeru għal-Edukazzjoni u l-Impjiegi.  

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