Full Transcript here in EN & MT
Inselmilkhom, F'dawn il-jiem fejn niċċelebraw il-kuluri differenti tal-bandiera tagħna, li naturalment jisimboliżżaw id-diversita tant sabiħa li għandna.
Jiena, Angela Coleiro, bħala l-ewwel mara transgender tax-xandir f'pajjiżna nixtieq inwasslilkom dan il-messaġġ.
Ikunu xi jkunu id-differenzi bejnietna, kemm jekk forsi ta’ fhema politika, ta’ religjon, ta' kultura, ta' karratri differenti, tinsew qatt li minkejja il-kisbiet kbar li għamilna matul is-snin, aħna xorta wahda nibqgħu minoranza fis-soċjeta'.
Għalekk huwa importanti li dejjem naqbżu għall-xulxin, ngħinu lill-xulxin u li inkunu ta' spalla ghall-xulxin tkun xi tkun iċ-ċirkustanza.
Insellmilkom u nawguralkom ħafna affarjiet sbieħ.
During this time, we celebrate the many different colours of our flag, which naturally symbolize the beautiful diversity we have.
My name is Angela Coleiro and as the first transgender woman in broadcast in Malta, I wish to share with you this message.
Whatever our differences might be, from political, to religious and cultural, to even character wise, we should never forget that despite the hard work that has been done throughout these years, we are still a minority to society.
That is why, it is very important to always stick up for each other, help each other and be there for each other, no matter the circumstances.
Thank you and I wish you all many beautiful things.