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Malta Pride's address to Athens Pride 

We are here in #Athens invited by Athens Pride - Φεστιβάλ Υπερηφάνειας Αθήνας and this was our address to our Greek folks: Dear friends Thank you for welcoming us to this amazing #Pride. Thank you for being brave to be yourself and stand to be counted. Pride is so important for our #communities - it is that one moment in a year where we feel safe, where we matter and where we #belong. Our #closets are never really shut once we #comeout of them. We constantly choose to be out at the risk of being rejected, ridiculed and judged. Living our #authentic true selves is what we ask for in the end. Let us never forget our #struggles and those who are still struggling. Let us not turn our backs on our #trans folks, queer people of colour and the women and men who cannot march with us today. I come from #Malta - a country which has earned its title as being the most #LGBTQI inclusive country in the world. Equality is never won simply by changing laws alone but by changing and educating society's attitudes. I therefore hope to see you all in Malta in September to march with us and share your story of pride with us. #Happypride to all!

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Registered Voluntary Organisation Number: 1136


19, Triq San Mark, Valletta

VLT1362. Malta



+356 9927 2999

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