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Participate in Europe's largest LGBTI+ Survey

Writer's picture: ARC MaltaARC Malta

The 2nd wave of the European survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex,

non-binary, and other gender non-conforming people.

Besides occasional news reports about discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people, there is very little comparable data collected across the EU about the everyday experiences of LGBTI people with respect to discrimination.

To support equal treatment legislation and policy making, the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has launched an EU-wide LGBTI survey, with a questionnaire that is available online and awaits the opinions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people over the age of 15 living in the European Union, N. Macedonia or Serbia.

The participation in the survey is very important. All answers will be processed in an anonymous way ensuring that it will not be possible for anyone to identify your answers when the results are presented.

Based on the survey results, national and European policy makers as well as non-governmental or civil society organisations will be able to better target their advocacy strategies and activities to support the LGBTI community to live and express themselves freely without discrimination. In order to give weight to the results, the European LGBTI Survey counts on the participation of a large and diverse group of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and Intersex people from each country. This is the second wave of an EU-wide effort to collect LGBTI experiences in the framework of the ever largest survey made in this field


The survey is being commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). The implementation is done by Agilis, a statistical consultancy firm and the communication by Homo Evolution, an organisation dedicated to communication for the LGBTI community.

It-tieni mewġa ta’ stħarriġ Ewropew dwar persuni leżbjani, gay, bisesswali, trans, intersesswali,  u anki non-binary u oħrajn ta’ ġeneru mhux konformi

Apparti rapporti ta’ aħbarijiet li nisimgħu minn żmien għall-ieħor dwar diskriminazzjoni kontra nies leżbjani, gay, bisesswali, trans u intersesswali (LGBTI), ftit li xejn hija l-istatistika komparabbli miġbura madwar l-UE dwar esperjenzi tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum ta’ nies LGBTI fejn tirrigwarda diskriminazzjoni.

Biex tappoġġja l-leġislazzjoni u il-politika ta’ tal-ugwaljanza, l-Aġenzija tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali tal-Unjoni Ewropea (FRA) ħarġet l-LGBTI servej mal-UE kollha, bi kwestjonarju li huwa disponibbli online. Għalhekk qed tistiedent l-opinjonijiet ta’ nies gay, leżbjani, bisesswali, trans u intersesswali li għandhom il-fuq minn 18 il-sena, li jgħixu fl-Unjoni Ewropea, fis-Serbja u fil-Maċedonja ta’ Fuq.

Il-parteċipazzjoni tiegħek fl-istħarriġ hija important ħafna. It-tweġibiet tiegħek se jiġu pproċessati b’mod anonimu sabiex jiġi żgurat li ma jkunx possibbli li wieħed jagħraf ir-risposti tiegħek meta jiġi ppreżentat ir-riżultat aħħari.

Abbażi tar-riżultati tas-servej, dawk li huma midħla fil-politika nazzjonali u Ewropeja, kif ukoll organizzazzjonijiet mhux governattivi jew tas-soċjetà ċivili ser ikunu jistgħu jimmiraw aħjar l-istrateġiji tagħhom fil-promozzjoni u l-attivitajiet sabiex jappoġġjaw il-komunità LGBTI b’mod li jgħixu u jesprimu ruħhom b’mod liberu mingħajr diskriminazzjoni. Sabiex jingħata piż lir-riżultati, dan is-servej Ewropew tal-LGBTI iserraħ fuq il-parteċipazzjoni ta’ grupp kbir u divers ta’ nies lesbjani, gay, bisesswali, trans u intersesswali minn kull pajjiż. Dan huwa t-tieni mewġa sforz tal-UE kollha biex jinġabru l-esperjenzi LGBTI fil-qafas tal-ikbar stħarriġ li qatt sar f’dan il-qasam.

L-Istorja tiegħek importanti

L-istħarriġ qed jiġi kkummissjonat mill-Aġenzija tal-Unjoni Ewropea dwar id-Drittijiet Fundamentali (FRA). L-implimentazzjoni teknika qed issir minn Agilis, kumpanija ta’ konsulenza dwar l-istatistika u l-komunikazzjoni minn Homo Evolution, organizzazzjoni ddedikata għall-komunikazzjoni tal-komunità LGBTI.

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