Private Rent Housing Benefit Scheme
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Private Rent Housing Benefit Scheme

Maltese & English Version

Skop tal-iske​ma // Scope of the Scheme

D​in l-iskema tipprovdi benefiċċju fuq il-kera mħallsa fuq residenzi mikrija mill-privat bħala residenza ordinarja tal-applikant/i sabiex il-kera ssir aktar affordabbli.  Dan il-benefiċċju għall-ewwel darba qiegħed jiġi kkalkulat mhux biss fuq id-dħul tal-applikanti, iżda anke fuq in-nefqa tagħhom fuq il-kera. This scheme offers a subsidy for tenants renting from private property owners to support them in making the rent more affordable. For the first time, this subsidy is being calculated not only on the income of the applicant but also on the cost of the rent.

Kriterja ta’ eliġibbiltà // Eligibility Criteria Persuna tikkwalifika għall-benefiċċju fuq il-kera taħt din l-iskema jekk tissodisfa dawn il-kriterji:

A person qualifies for the subsidy on rent if they satisfy the following criteria:

  • l-applikant huwa l-kerrej rikonoxxut mis-sid tad-dar privata li fuqha qed issir l-applikazzjoni;

  • The applicant is the tenant recognised by the property owner on which the application is being made;

  • l-applikant ikun diġa’ għamel kuntratt mas-sid, li jkopri sitt xhur jew aktar jew kuntratt ta’ ċens temporanju li ma jeċċedix il-21 sena, li  għandu jippreżenta kopja tiegħu lill-Awtorità;

  • The applicant is already in a contractual agreement with the property owner that covers at least 6 months or a temporary emphyteusis that does not exceed 21 years. The contract is to be submitted to the Housing Authority;

  • l-applikant huwa ċittadin ta’ Malta jew tal-Unjoni Ewropea, jew jgawdi minn stat ta’ refuġjat, minn protezzjoni sussidjarja jew jipposjedi stat ta’ long term residence.  Fil-każ ta’ miżżewġin mhux separati, biżżejjed li parti waħda tkun Maltija jew ċittadina tal-Unjoni Ewropea;

  • The applicant is a Maltese/EU Citizen, or enjoys refugee status, or is given subsidiary protection or possess a long-term residence permit. In the case of married couples (not separated), it is sufficient to have one party to be Maltese or an EU Citizen;

  • l-applikanti jridu jkunu ilhom residenti Malta għal mhux anqas minn tmintax-il xahar konsekuttivi, minn qabel id-data tal-applikazzjoni;

  • The applicant would have had to be a resident of Malta for the past 18 consecutive months from the date of the application;

  • il-fond li fuqu qed issir l-applikazzjoni ikun fi stat tajjeb ta’ tiswija u f’kundizzjoni abitabbli;

  • The property on which the application is being made is in good and habitable condition;

  • l-użu tal-fond bħala residenza ordinarja huwa skont il-liġi u skont l-obbligi kuntrattwali tal-kirja.

  • The use of the property as a residence is in line with the laws and follows rental property contractual obligations.

Benefiċċju fuq il-Kera // Rent Subsidy Il-benefiċċju fuq il-kera se jkun ibbażat fuq id-dħul annwu kif ukoll il-kera mħallsa mill-applikanti. The subsidy on rent will be based on the maximum income as well as the rent costs of the applicant.

Din it-tabella tindika d-dħul massimu li jista’ jkollu l-applikant sabiex ikun eliġibbli għal dan il-benefiċċju, kif ukoll l-ammont massimu ta’ benefiċċju li kull applikant ikun intitolat għalih:

This table indicates the maximum income that an applicant has to be eligible for this subsidy, as well as the maximum amount of subsidy that an applicant is eligible for:

Kategorija = Category

Membri tal-familja = Family Members

Dħul Massimu = Maximum Income

Benefiċċju Massimu = Maximum Subsidy

1= Single Person

2 = Single Parent with one child

3 = Single Parent with 2+ children

4 = 2 Adults without children

5 = Couple with one child

6 = Couple with 2+ chidlren

7 = 3+ Adult living together

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VLT1362. Malta



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