Good morning!
It's been a moving few days with strong responses to the "Rainbow Maltese Flag".
We've had much admiration for this first attempt at a Rainbow Maltese Flag, but also had a number of people expressing hurt.
We did not mean to cause offense.
Indeed, with this first version of a Rainbow Maltese Flag, we wanted to have a symbol for inclusion, with a flag expressing the dual identification of LGBTQ+ Maltese as both Maltese and LGBTQ+.
While this proposal for a Rainbow Maltese Flag has not been universally accepted, we would like one for Malta. Especially to represent at international LGBTQ+ events, which is a standard for each country.
We therefore call for your DESIGN PROPOSALS!
Please send your ideas on by 30th September 2019.
We'll form a panel with diverse representation in the second half of September to do the first selection and then we'll put the final three to a public vote in October.
If you would like to be on the panel, please also send a message to
Allied Rainbow Communities