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Writer's pictureARC Malta

Malta Pride 2020 - A Symbolic Demonstration

Il-Messaġġ tagħna huwa sempliċi

Illum m’aħniex fl-eluf għax saħħet il-pubbliku hija importanti għalina.

Minflok, qed infakkru din il-ġurnata bil-Bandiera li tibqa simbolu importanti għax tirrapreżenta is-sbuħija fid-diversita' tagħna, kif ukoll tama għal futur aħjar għal dawk li għadhom ibatu fil-moħqrija u is-silenzju.

Aħna kollha maħluqin ħielsa u ugwali fid-drittijiet u hekk għandna immutu. Illum qed inġonġu il-kulur kannella u iswed mal-bandiera sabiex ngħarfu li m’hemmx post għar-razzismu fil-kommunitajiet tagħna.

Madwar il-bandiera, Id-demostranti qed iżżommu zigarella bil-kuluri Roża, Abjad u Kaħlani sabiex ikoll nqajjmu kuxjenza li Persuni Trans għadhom l-iktar cohort li jbatu fuq kull sfera tas-soċjeta’ u għandna inkunu kommunita li tagħtihom is-sapport meħtieġ.

Our Message is simple

We are not in the thousands today because we care for public health Instead, we symbolise this day with our Pride flag in the Capital City as it represents the beauty in diversity and a hope for better days for those who are still suffering in persecution and silence.

We are all born free and equal and that is how we should die.

Today we are conjoining the Brown & Black colours with the rainbow to recognise that there is no place for racism in our communities.

Our flag is surrounded by demonstrators holding pink, white and blue ribbons so that we also represent the plight of Trans individuals, who are amongst the most at risk. As a community it is our duty to elevate and support our siblings in need.

ARC - allied rainbow communities VO/1136 Coordinators of Malta Pride 2020 #MaltaPride2020

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Registered Voluntary Organisation Number: 1136


19, Triq San Mark, Valletta

VLT1362. Malta



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