We are glad to announce that HIV self test kits have been approved in Malta and are NOW available in Pharmacies (check which in link below). HIV Self test kits allow the individual to discreetly check his/her own HIV status at a time and a place that is convenient to oneself.
HIV self test kits are very easy to perform and they only require a tiny drop of blood to give an accurate* and simple to read result in 15 minutes. The Malta (& EU wide) approved self test kit is called "Autotest VIH"
HIV is acquired through exchange of HIV-infected blood or contaminated body fluids (ex semen & pre-cum), and is acquired irrelevant of gender and/or sexual orientation.
It is estimated that 25% of HIV positive people in Malta do not know that they are positive.
In the past year both ARC (allied rainbow communities) and MGRM (Malta Gay Rights Movement) have been exerting pressure and working hard to get these test-kits approved.
Early HIV detection is key to early treatment leading to best possible health outcomes and these test kits make testing more accessible to the general public.
Check the link below to find out more about the the self-test
These test kits only detect HIV, so one should still visit the GU clinic (TEL: 21227981) for complete free & confidential SAI testing.
*Autotest VIH accuracy 99.8%