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arc calls for action on Chechnya Gay Purge

allied rainbow communities (arc) has been following the reports on the Gay Purge in Chechnya. It has been reported that over a hundred men have been rounded up and subjected to humiliation and torture, solely upon suspicion of being gay. At least three men have been killed.

"Witness reports state that,“the detained were tortured, violated with a bottle, electrocuted. Some were beaten nearly to death and returned to their relatives like a sack of bones. whilst others were killed"

arc wrote to Hon Helena Dalli, Minister for Social Dialogue, Consumer Affairs and civil liberties to seek help to bring out the issue at EU Level especially in light of Malta's presidency over the Council of the European Union. arc is asking the EU to remind the Russian and Chechen authorities that:

"members of the LGBT+community have a right to feel safe and secure and it is their duty to protect that right. Please kindly inform us about steps taken to resolve this condemnable situation of LGBT+ communities in Chechnya.

In another letter sent to the Russian Ambassador to Malta, arc asked the Ambassador to seek action and highlighted that:

"being homosexual or doing homosexual acts is not illegal under the laws of the Russian Federation and hence torture or the death penalty as a punishment for being or acting homosexual is not in accordance with your own laws. Additionally your own laws guarantee equal protection to your citizens. Hence, in order to maintain the credibility of your own legal system, you and your country must investigate these credible claims and bring the perpetrators of any crimes to justice. In accordance with these duties arising from your own legal system, as well as the international obligations of your country, we are issuing the petition seeking immediate safety of LGBT+ community and proper investigation."

Whilst expressing solidarity with the victims arc hopes that the perpetrators are brought to justice and similar incidents do not happen in the future.

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