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attn LGBTIQ Youth: National School Climate Survey by MGRM

Know LGBTIQ youth? Help us spread the word about our survey!

The 2017 National School Climate Survey is MGRM’s first national survey of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer youth. It is a crucial tool in MGRM's mission for ensuring safe and inclusive schools for LGBTIQ young people. The information gathered from this survey will help MGRM to inform education policymakers, school administrators and educators as well as the public about the right of all students to be treated with respect in their schools. Students will also be able to use the survey information to advocate with their teachers and heads of school for safer schools for LGBTIQ students.

Help give LGBTIQ youth a voice by using the links below the image to share the survey on Facebook or Twitter.

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Taf xi żgħażagħ LGBTIQ? Għinna inxerrdu l-kelma dwar l-istħarriġ tagħna!

L-iStħarriġ Nazzjonali dwar il-Klima fl-Iskola 2017 huwa l-ewwel stħarriġ nazzjonali ta' l-MGRM dwar żgħażagħ lesbjani, gay, bisesswali, trans, intersess u Queer. Hija għodda kruċjali fil-missjoni tal-MGRM li tiżgura skejjel sikuri u inklussivi għaż-żgħażagħ LGBTIQ. L-informazzjoni miġbura minn dan l-istħarriġ se jgħin l-MGRM biex jinfurmaw lil dawk li jfasslu l-politika tal-edukazzjoni, l-amministraturi ta' skejjel u l-edukaturi kif ukoll il pubbliku dwar id-dritt tal-istudenti kollha li jiġu ttrattati b’rispett fl-iskejjel tagħhom. L-istudenti se jkunu jistgħu jużaw l-istħarriġ biex jaħdmu favur skejjel aktar sikuri għall-istudenti LGBTIQ ma' l-għalliema u kapijiet ta' l-iskola tagħhom.

Għin biex tagħti vuċi liż-żgħażagħ LGBTIQ billi tuża l-links taħt l-immaġini biexli taqsam l-istħarriġ fuq Facebook jew Twitter. Tista' wkoll taqsam il-link: - ma' kwalunkwe żgħażagħ LGBTIQ li taf!

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