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Live Updates for Parliament Marriage Equality Bill (Refresh for updates)

This morning the Maltese Parliament is debating the Marriage Equality bill follow this post for highlights being constantly updated....

09:15 - Aaron Farrugia (in Favour) “I am positive that the PN has learnt from its experiences and hope that they believe in tangible change.”

To LGBT people "be proud of yourself and be proud of who you are"

Hon Claudette Butigieg - "PN's abstention on the Civil Unions bill was a mistake"

“I know I hurt people with the decision I took. It was a collective decision, but I know that people were expecting something different from me,”

Hon Jose Herrera - gave an overview of civil right court cases in Malta"it was the courts that started to give the first rights to LGBTIQ individuals in the 80's"

10:35 - Hon Edwin Vassallo (PN) just declared that he will vote against the Marriage Equality Bill citing conscience and morality...

10:56 - Education Minister Hon Evarist Bartolo is to Vote in favour "the worst monstrosities in humanity happened when a group of people were considered as inferior"

11:09 - When voting (against) one has to say rights do I want to deny these people?

11:24 - Hon Claudio Grech agreed with party line ie to amend the law... "this law hurts people"

11:34 - Hon Claudio Grech Said he wished that PN was involved before the law was presented in Parliament ----- NOTE: PN was involved whilst drafting through the LGBTIQ consultative council.

11:39 - Hon Glen Beddingfield - (in favour) "this law is not just about same sex marriage but about equality between men and women"

11:52 - Hon Godfrey Farrugia - (in favour) "this law is not dictating and not imposing on anyone"

12:02 - Hon Robert Cutajar - "It was not a mistake that the opposition abstained on the civil unions bill, the mistake was that we did not explain why we did".

Adjourned Continues at 18:00

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