The Strada Stretta Concept, under the auspices of the Valletta 2018 Foundation presents 'FYEO - For All Ears and Queers', a concert of queer and contemporary music, under the artistic direction of Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci. A concert of queer contemporary music, exploring queer and LGBT+ issues and subjects through new compositions by Luc Houtkamp, Tom Armitage, Jess Rymer and Jeremy Grech. Repertoire will include: 'Domna' by Tom Armitage Domna is a partimen for solo piano, to be performed by a pianist in drag. With the common acceptance of gender as a social construct (separated from biologic sex), which exists on a spectrum, the performer’s internal perception of gender identity can be examined, along with typical stereotypes of gender norms. This partimen is a debate with oneself, as opposed to two participating troubadours. 'Six Queer Love Songs' by Luc Houtkamp Six Queer Love Songs is what the title suggests: six queer songs about love, on poems by Arthur Rimbaud, Abu-Nuwas, William Shakespeare and Gertrude Stein. FREE ENTRANCE Special thanks to Jason Masini